# 2.6.0

Engine support: 5.3

This update focuses on code quality, deprecating unused properties and general performance.

# Inventory

  • Data-Only container style has been added. This container style is highly optimized by not handling collision, dimensions, capacity or anything of the sort. Allowing you to handle the styling of containers purely through widgets, or create a optimized space for hosting item data that the player shouldn't see, such as a hidden wallet.
    • Example widget has been added (WBP_DemoDataContainer and WBP_DemoTileDataContainer)
  • Added more helper functions:
    • IsSpacialContainer
    • IsSpacialStyle
    • DoesContainerSupportTileMap
  • FS_InventoryItem -> Item has been renamed to FS_InventoryItem -> ItemAsset
  • Added GetLocalInventoryComponent function to help those who want the inventory component to live on something other than the player pawn.
  • GeneratedItemIcons has been moved to the C++ component.
  • OldItemData has been removed from ItemEquipped delegate.
  • Added "Type" option for sorting items.
  • Containers TileTags can now be modified during runtime and replicate. Documentation added.

# Widgets

  • W_Tile -> ParentTile has been removed.
  • W_Tile -> OwningItem has been removed.
    • These two were forcing very heavy math and ForLoops, just to cache tiles that seemingly no one was using. As the codebase has improved, there are better ways of retrieving these values without caching them.
  • Deprecated W_Container -> Items
    • Added GetAllItemWidgets to replace deprecated variable.

# Crafting

  • Added GetRecipesRequiringItem async function.
  • Added GetRecipesForItem async function.

# Bugs

  • UniqueID was not being assigned in some scenarios in MoveItem.
  • InteractingWith was visible in the details panel for the inventory component.
  • The item count while inside the InventoryHelper would not display correctly when both values were set to the same amount.
  • the cpp file for A_ItemActor was not named correctly.
  • The InventoryHelper would treat the highlight in list containers as if it was a grid container, making moving items around difficult.
  • Items moved from a equipment container to a grid container would not have collision.

# Color Sheet:

functions - variable - category - class